(PR) Fall Out Boy is about to embark on a mini U.S. tour, playing small venues in select cities. Wondering who will be the opening act? Well, brace yourselves!! Fall Out Boy has just launched a contest exclusively on FriendsorEnemies.com (www.friendsorenemies.com) where they will select one (1) unsigned band in each city to warm up the stage for them.
Bands can enter by logging on to www.friendsorenemies.com, clicking on "Open Up For Fall Out Boy" and submitting their MySpace link. All bands must be local to that city and UNSIGNED.
Semifinalists will be chosen by the FriendsOrEnemies.com staff, with winners ultimately chosen by Fall Out Boy. Contest submissions must be original, of entrant's own creation.
Cities will continue to be announced, so keep checking Friends or Enemies to see where FOB will be looking for an opening act next.
The first shows they are selecting for are:
Nov. 6 – Boston, MA
Nov. 7 – Philadelphia, PA