(Metal Underground) Korn frontman Jonathan Davis was recently talking with fans on the groups official website chatroom, Korn Korner. He had this to say on former guitarist Brian "Head" Welch and drummer David Silvera:"Head doesn't want to come back yet. I miss him sooooo f**kin' bad, but I don't think he is ready to be put back in the element he ran from. Drugs are everywere, and I think he's not ready to be around it yet. I think Fieldy can help him a lot because he's Christian too and sober and does fine.
Now David, I don't know what's gonna happen there. I just think he is done with music; it not his passion anymore. It sucks, but hey, he has to be happy, right?! We are very happy with [current Korn touring drummer] Ray Luzier. Every time I see him, he's got a drum magazine or a drumstick in his hands. It pumps me and Fieldy and Munk up. So maybe one day you will see Head up there with us, I hope." - more on this story