(Blabbermouth) According to an article published in Sunday's (June 29) edition of the El Norte newspaper of Monterrey, Mexico, RATT was forced to cut its Friday, June 27 concert in Monterrey short after lead singer Stephen Pearcy appeared to be incapacitated and was unable to complete the concert. At one point, according to the article, Pearcy lost his balance and fell into the crowd before being helped back to the stage by the venue's security personnel, only to fall backwards. He then got up and resumed singing as if nothing had happened.
After performing for about 50 minutes, the band abruptly left the stage and reappeared a few minutes later, this time without Stephen. Rhythm guitarist John Corabi, who is best known for having replaced Vince Neil as the frontman for Motley Crue in the early 1990s, apologized to the crowd and blamed the mishap on "jet lag" before taking over on lead vocals for the set's closing two numbers — "Body Talk" and "Round and Round". - more on this story