(PR) KUDU returns with Back for More: A remix collection featuring new and previously released tracks, rarities and explosive remixes. Out June 10.Back for More follows the Brooklyn-based trio's acclaimed 2006 full-length Death of the Party; and much like its deliciously retro-modern, genre-hopping predecessor, the remix collection seamlessly navigates through a gritty urbana bursting with heavy neon-daubed grooves that meld dark melodic synth-pop and thunderous electro-punk with deviant future disco and gloriously twisted cabaret to create the ideal soundtrack for electronic-pop music lovers and dancefloor junkies.
Carefully compiled by KUDU with the help of Petrit Pula and Craig Roseberry, Back for More is a well-crafted hybrid of adventurous reworks of stand-out selections from Death of the Party alongside new and previously released tracks, rarities and explosive remixes by Sinden, Drop the Lime, MKL, Hess is More, Tommie Sunshine and many more... - Check out RCRDLBL for exclusive free downloads from the remix collection