(PR) Miranda Cosgrove will be making several in-store appearances over the next few weeks in honor of the release of iCarly - Music From and Inspired by the Hit TV Show on June 10th. Miranda will also be appearing on TRL's Spankin' New Music Week on Tuesday, June 10th to premiere the video for "Leave It All to Me" featuring Drake Bell and the iCarly cast. TRL is on MTV at 3:30pm.
And Miranda will also make an appearance on ABC's Live with Regis and Kelly on Thursday, June 12th at 10am.
Miranda will be meeting fans and signing CDs at:
Virgin Records at Times Square, New York City Tuesday, June 10, 5-8pm
Best Buy, Westbury, Long Island, NY Thursday, June 12, 5-8pm
WalMart, Long Beach, CA Saturday, June 14, 1-4pm
Mall of America, Bloomington, MN Sunday, June 22, 2-5pm