(PR) The 3 month search to find the opening band for Rock Against Diabetes in Las Vegas August 23rd 2008 has come to an end, with Orange County's Starving For Gravity coming out on top as the winners. The band was pared down from a massive list that originally submitted their bands to take part, to a Top 45 list that was further trimmed to a Top 10.
The Top 10 was then opened to a public vote that saw nearly 8,000 votes from fans made, with a final decision being handed down from the judges participating in the decision process.
Starving For Gravity will open the Pre Show Bash on August 22nd at the Rox Club in Vegas, with host Evel Dick Donato being in attendance, and performaces by Magnetico featuring Rafael Moreira, Karneval featuring Las Vegas' own Dario Lorina (Jani Lane Band) and Bumblefoot (Guns N Roses guitarist Ron Thal) and his amazing All Star Band with players such as Paul Mirkovich (Cher), Lez Warner (The Cult), Jeff Berlin, Constantine Maroulis and many others. Tickets are still available for this show at: http://www.rockagainstdiabetes.org/preshow.htm