Coldplay Assault was a top story on Friday. Here it is again: (Contact Music) A savage new video featuring footage of COLDPLAY star CHRIS MARTIN attacking a paparazzo has hit the Internet. The mild-mannered singer is seen chasing down a photographer trying to get shots of his wife Gwyneth Paltrow as she left a New York hospital earlier this week (beg14Jan08). With an anorak hood covering his face, angry Martin repeats, "Have some respect," as he wrestles the photographer to the ground and snatches his camera. But the snapper's pal retaliates as Martin climbs into the back of an awaiting silver sports utility vehicle, and hisses, "You give it (camera) back to him or this door's getting broken."
The British rock star sees sense and hands the camera back, calmly stating, "You've gotta have some respect." The footage has been posted on various U.S. news websites. - more on this story
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