(antiMusic) New York Magazine has taken MTV to task for the latest announcement that onetime Music Television Network is accelerating its slide into the moronic television network by launching 16 new reality shows between now and the end of April. Someone over there must be smoking crack because you can't fix falling ratings by boosting the very programming which caused your ratings to nose dive! Here is a bit of the New York Magazine rant:Does the world even have enough uninteresting non-celebrities to fill that many half hours? No! Which accounts for this morning's announcement of Daddy's Girls, which will follow Rev Run's daughters, Angela and Vanessa, as they move to Los Angeles to work on their sneaker line and pursue acting careers. But it gets (slightly) worse!
Daddy's Girls, along with several of the other announced shows, will be "aspirational, enterprising, and empowering," claims MTV: "These new series reflect Generation 'Why Not?' — living, working and playing on their own terms, 'adventure capitalists' if you will, pursuing a variety of thrill-seeking, 2.0, express-yourself enterprises," says MTV entertainment president Brian Graden, presumably while choking back vomit. - more on this story