(punknews.org) Streetlight Manifesto has announced that the band's sax player and main secondary vocalist Jim has been hospitalized."When we got to Detroit, Jim, our tenor saxist and main secondary vocalist, realized the facial infection he was nursing was too serious to ignore any longer. In Pensacola, FL a week back, a kid jumped up on stage and hit his mic, which in turn slammed Jim's sax into his mouth.
"Somehow, the wound got infected on his gum, which ballooned half his face up with swelling the size of a grapefruit. Despite a round of antibiotics, it got worse, to the point where half of his face was practically paralyzed by the time we reached Detroit. He immediately went to the hospital, where we learned it was serious (they put him on morphine immediately) and he had to stay for surgery to remove a tooth and drain the abscess. We had to leave him in the hospital for a few days and, unfortunately, continue the tour without him."
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