(PR) After touching down on American soil for the first time, Watain, Sweden's cult Black Metallers, made Duff's Bar in Brooklyn, NY the first stop on their US pillage. It was indeed a raucous night, as the band closed down the bar with the intoxicated local horde... Don't miss Watain and their extreme live show on the Metal Maniacs and Decibel Magazine co-sponsored Antichrist Vanguards tour with Nachtmystium the newly reunited AngelCorpse beginning this week.
5/09 MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Station Nightclub
5/10 CHICAGO, IL - The Empty Bottle
5/11 CLEVELAND, OH - Peabody's
5/13 PHILADELPHIA, PA - The Northstar
5/14 NEW YORK, NY - BB Kings
5/16 SPRINGFIELD, VA - Jaxx Nightclub
5/17 WINSTON-SALEM , NC - Ziggy's
5/18 ATLANTA, GA - The Drunken Unicorn
5/19 TAMPA , FL - The Brass Mug
5/20 FT. LAUDERDALE , FL - The Culture Room