(punkbands) McDonald's is holding parking-lot concerts (why not in the ball crawl?), Taco Bell is shoving burritos down the pieholes of musicians (as part of their egregious "Fourth Meal" plan to make America even fatter), and Burger King is slinging MP3s along with french fries.[In a] podcasted interview with Sherri Daye Scott, editor at restaurant trade mag QSR, and a marketing guy from Taco Bell goes into a little bit more detail about the fast food chains' latest attempt to paint themselves as "hip" and "with it" and not, you know, large, faceless purveyors of fat-choked snack treats.
Taco Bell is committed to helping out crappy "emerging" mall emo bands, especially since they're "already talking about our brand in a positive light." - The podcast is here
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