(PR) New York indie rockers BLOOD RED SUN will soon be coming to radio near you. Tune into XM Radios Radar Report this Thursday, August 9th at 10PM to hear a brand new track from their forthcoming release A Nation of Saviors.But whats that? You dont have XM Satellite Radio? Dont sweat it! BLOOD RED SUNs got your hook-up.
You can listen to XM online with A FREE ACCOUNT courtesy of BLOOD RED SUN by simply going to http://xmro.xmradio.com and using the following code: XMB4MD. Your free account will be valid for 14 days free. No credit cards needed, all you need is an email address.
To get the full BLOOD RED SUN experience start at their band MySpace page, www.myspace.com/bloodredsun and travel throughout the US with the band visiting pages corresponding to different areas of the country (NE, NW, SE, SW.) The savvy surfer will unlock videos, pictures, blogs, tour diaries and be able to listen to the entire album before it hits the web.