(PR) Most up-and-coming metal bands use the word 'intense' to describe their sound and live show. But after listening to the debut album from Autumn Black, 'Beneath the Shadows,' these folks are truly, no B.S., 100% i-n-t-e-n-s-e. One of the first-ever releases for the newly launched Tyburn label, 'Beneath the Shadows' is sure to appeal to both metalheads and hardcore thrashers, as the group likes to describe their sound as 'east coast metal + west coast hardcore = Autumn Black.'Confirmed Autumn Black live dates (with Psyopus):
Roseville, MI
Myspace Internet Cafe16190 13 Mile Road
Roseville, MI
Ft Wayne, IN
Sunset Hall
6809 S. Hanna St
Ft Wayne, IN 46816
Rapid City, SD
Trea Bingo Hall
1981 Centre Street,
Rapid City, SD 57703
Portland, OR
C Mt Tabor Legacy
4811 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland OR 97202
The Gadfly
117 Elm St
La Grande, OR 97850