You're a tween or early teen, and misunderstood by everyone. If you ever had a girlfriend, she just dumped you. You are at once pissed off at love and desperate for it. Yes? You are already a Stutterfly fan, even if you don't know it, simply because: Stutterfly understands.
Direct from Canada, Stutterfly brings a musical style that is an extension of nu-metal, emo, and screamo. Weather these styles demand distinct categories is up for debate- what isn't is the fact that to make a name for themselves in any one of these categories, Stutterfly will have to do it better than others have done before, because they are certainly not breaking any new ground on And We Are Bled of Color.
Stutterfly's newest album is comprised of similarly composed tracks, featuring heavy, driven guitar and screamed lyrics that give way to clean, overarching melodies. Often, the guitar solos bring to mind the soaring metal breaks of the mid-80's, rising from a nearly ever-present base of garage/grunge rock distortion guitar. There are some nice breaks from this format, such as the interesting bass line opening on 'Burnt Memories' and the often used switch to understatement that gives the listener a much needed break and emphasizes the power of the guitars when they return.
And We Are Bled of Color desperately needs a break in form to keep the album from becoming dull amidst all the noise, but by the time such a break comes with the slow and soft 'Life's Disease' (track 12) it's too late. Still, this album has been produced nearly perfectly, and someone either not familiar with the genre or not willing to ever depart from it will find Stutterfly to be a fine crew of instrumental musicians and vocalists who bring a very solid competence to the recording studio.
The best part of this album for me was discovering that even tracks with titles like 'Dead Eyes' can contain an upbeat or even inspiring lyrical message. This is not always the case, but it is prevalent enough to both merit notice and add a sort of evening out to the darkness of the musical package.