Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
Been There, Done That,
Bought the T-shirt
{Begin Transmission}:
Greetings from the Lab. Last time I checked
in, we were talking about Dimebag Darrell. Well, it's been almost a week
since that tragic night and we STILL don't have any kind of answers as
to the "why" of the equation. Nor will we probably ever know. Which is
really quite sad. Anyway, time will tell I suppose. We'll see. It's been a long time since I
contributed a proper rant. I dunno...maybe I'm mellowing in my old age.
Maybe the Miller High Life and Waylon Jennings have driven me to a kind
of "f*** it" state of mind. Who knows. Or maybe, just maybe, I don't have
anything else to rant about.
2004 has been a bit of a transitional year
for Dr Fever. So much going on and so many changes. Things have been rather
hectic here around the Lab. Plus, I really do think i've lost my "fire."
That's the thing about 2004, it seems like
the cycle just came back around. The same things that pissed me off 5 years
ago cycled back around and got a new face. Bubblegum pop? 5 years ago;
Britney Spears. 2004: Ashlee Simpson, et al. Nu-Metal? 5 years ago; Korn
and the million or so 7 String Ibanez playing knock offs. 2004? The "underground"
made a come up and now we've got bands like friggin ATREYU polluting the
malls and airwaves and Headbangers Balls of the country. Hip Hop? Well,
mainstream hip hop has pretty much stayed the same except for a new group
of the yearly one hit wonders that
work their way into the system.
See what I mean? Same basic concepts with
a totally different face. PACKAGED to look like something fresh and new.
Folks, we haven't had something "fresh", "new", "important" or "creative"
since about 1992. Christ? Has it been that long?? Yes. Yes it has.
Now, I know that it is debatable that the bands of 12 years ago weren't
"fresh" or "new." Well, they were. To the mainstream at least. And they
damn sure were "important."
And, that's the thing. 12 years ago when
Nirvana and Pearl Jam and Alice In Chains and Soundgarden leapt into our
collective conscious it became "important" on so many levels without to
much of a push from The Puppet Masters. Now? The teenage masses will swallow
whatever The Puppet Masters wish and they will swallow it quickly and without
hesitation. Oh, sure, there was a lot of that going on 12 years ago (someone
HAD to be buying all those Color Me Badd and Milli Vanilli records) but
the truly important bands achieved a fairly good amount of fame (enough
to matter anyway) before The Puppet Masters of the time could sink their
hands into it.
So, I guess what I'm saying is this; all
the great things have been said. All the great rants have been written.
And, outside of a handful of bands that are still producing quality music
album after album, all the great albums have been written. The 5 year cycle
just repeats itself over and over and we're stuck dealing with the fallout.
But, I can say this; at least the Red Sox
finally won a World Series. So, hell, I guess ANYTHING is possible for
2005. We'll see.
Until next year....
{End Transmission}
The Good Doctor welcomes all manner
of email from his readers. Whether they be questions, comments, arguments
or even proposals of marriage the Doc reads them all. Just make sure you
put a subject line that won't be mistaken for junk mail, otherwise it's
off to the trash can."

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.