Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
"Patriotism Run Amuck
And Other Paranoid Ramblings"
"You have the right to FREE SPEECH. As long as you're not dumb
enough to actually try it." 'Know Your Rights'-The Clash
{Begin Transmission}:
Sweet mother of paranoia! This has
been one wacky month for The Doc. I’ve been facing a constant hassle from
John Q. Law. Seems no matter where I go; those filthy bastards are following
me! Hell, they’re even pulling me over and asking to search my car. I mean,
really, I’m not DANGEROUS, so why the hassle? I think Ashcroft and his
pals are none too happy with my displeasure over their Gestapo tactics
in suppressing Freedom Of Speech and they’re trying to CATCH ME! But, I
shall not go easily.
Speaking of Freedom of Speech, we continue
to live in strange times. Sure, the war is ‘over’ and the Boy President
has a new sandbox to play with his toys in, but it seems that Patriotism
and such is still running around like some kind of monster strain of Typhoid
Fever. What is this? 1944??
As bad as the common folk have it if they
so much as made a JOKE about the REAL reason behind the War, it seems celebrities
have it worse, not just from THE PUBLIC but also amongst EACH OTHER.
Think about it, you’ve got Gene Simmons
talking smack on Pearl Jam, Toby Keith and the Fat Dixie Chick going back
and forth with cryptic “F.U…” shirts and so forth and so on. I mean,
the baseball Hall Of Fame got into the act too, declaring that there will
be no anniversary screening of ‘Bull Durham’ (opinion: Greatest Sports
Movie EVER) this summer because to of the principles in the movie, Susan
Sarandon and Tim Robbins made public statements AGAINST the War. Humph!
America’s Pastime, eh??
The worst of the lot, in my opinion, is
the shameless acts of certain “artists.” Riding the wave of Patriotism
like some Gonzo surfer out of his head on PCP and Tequila, people
like the aforementioned Toby Keith pander their music to, apparently, a
large majority of mindless sheep that see Stars and Stripes in their sleep
and hum the national Anthem while they take a piss. It’s almost sickening.
It has gotten SO BAD that LYNRD SKYNRD has a damn HIT song on the radio
(‘Red, White and Blue’), and BOY what a master piece of lyrics they’ve
laid out for us; “My neck’s always been Red, my collar’s always been
Blue…” I mean, seriously? How can people ACTUALLY, and with a straight
face, call that GOOD music?? I almost forgot, they do include the obligatory
if you don’t like America you can get the hell out line. Boy, that’ll have
‘em screaming loud and proud at a State Fair near you this summer lemme
tell ya.
So, where do we go from here? Honestly,
I don’t know and I’m truly afraid to ask. In this New Society of ours driven
by Religious Zealots, Obsessive Patriotism and Massive Paranoia we never
know where we’re going day to day. But, I’ll tell you this, if this county
doesn’t get it’s collective head out of it’s collective ass and pay attention
to the REALLY IMPORTANT things (like, say, THE JOKE we call an Economy!)
then, fellow readers, things will just continue to get worse, a lot worse,
before they get better.
But, really, what do I know. I’m just a
delusional Paranoia case who’s being tailed by the cops.
Now, on a TOTALLY unrelated note; I’d like
to ask a favor of you my loyal readers. I’d like you to keep your fingers
crossed. Seems that my HERO, Dr Hunter S. Thompson, is going to be speaking
at a Film Festival and Voter Registration Drive here in West Virginia next
month. Now, work is already being put into yours truly POSSIBLY (but NOT
defiantly) getting an INTERVIEW with the REAL Good Doctor. So, say
a prayer (if you do that type of thing) or at least cross your fingers.
Of course, if this goes down YOU WILL see the RESULTS of this potentially
Stay tuned…
{End Transmission}
The Good Doctor welcomes all manner
of email from his readers. Whether they be questions, comments, arguments
or even proposals of marriage the Doc reads them all. Just make sure you
put a subject line that won't be mistaken for junk mail, otherwise it's
off to the trash can."

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