Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
"You Gotta F***In Be
Kidding Me!?!?"
{Begin Transmission}:
Greetings once again from The Lab. The
summer rolls on and my troubles with the law we discussed last month seem
to have passed (or at least the buggers are hiding themselves better) and
one would think I could just kick back and enjoy the summer, or at least
enjoy the numerous music Festivals and show's I’ll be attending. But, as
if they KNEW I was getting comfy, those bastards at MTV have struck again.
This time, MTV2 has drawn my fire.
We all remember what MTV2 was SUPPOSED
to be when it launched in the mid/late 90's...the ANTI-MTV (which it sorta
is if you think about it since they actually DO play VIDEOS, unlike their
parent station.) But, over the last couple of years, the station has sunk
to pretty much the same depths as it's parent company...only with videos
as the pawn instead of "Stylish, Hip, Fresh" Reality type shows. MTV2 was
supposed to be the playground for middle of the road and under the radar
bands to get some exposure, and while this DOES happen occasionally (seriously,
it's disturbing to see a band like Eighteen Visions on there for some reason.
cool. but none the less disturbing) for the most part, it's standard operating
MTV procedure with a steady stream of flavor of the nano-second hip hop
and rock. And of course my unwitting Arch Enemy-Iann Robinson. But, now,
after many years of irritating yours truly to the 'Nth' degree...the folks
at MTV/MTV2/Viacom have finally crossed the proverbial line.
Those of you who paid attention to our
little Oil War in Iraq may remember the first P.O.W. rescued; Jessica Lynch.
And, hell, you may have even noticed that she's from the Doc's home state
of West Virginia. And, assuredly, you noticed the MEDIA CRUSH that followed
her around to her backwoods, Wirt County home. Well, it seems MTV noticed
too. And, never the one to miss out on the chance to cash in on Public
Sympathy (or Stupidity, depending on how you want to look at it.) It seems
that MTV has an offer on the table for MTV2 to set up shop in Lynch's hometown,
complete with a special edition of TRL and a performance by Ashanti and
Ja Rule.
Ok, this might have made sense a month
or three ago when the story was "hot" if they were seeking some sort of
cheap publicity, but why now?? That's the question that bothers me.
But, also, why I feel the line was crossed is this; this girl has been
through enough already..and I'm not even talking about her ordeal in Iraq.
This girl has been under a media crush only rivaled by High School Basketball
Phenom Lebron James. Now, MTV wants to just rehash things.
So, as usual..MTV gets under my skin and
does the most untimely and annoying thing. I guess the point I’m trying
to make here is for not only MTV, but also everyone else, to LEAVE THE
GIRL ALONE. Enough is enough. Let it go!
{End Transmission}
The Good Doctor welcomes all manner
of email from his readers. Whether they be questions, comments, arguments
or even proposals of marriage the Doc reads them all. Just make sure you
put a subject line that won't be mistaken for junk mail, otherwise it's
off to the trash can."

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.