Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
{Begin Transmission}:
'The Lab' is in a shambles.
Such commotion and generally bad things are happening that I’m not sure
which way is up anymore. Bad vibrations. The walls have began to
close in, the voices in my head are screaming louder than ever, and I’m
pissed. And it has more to do with the current state of music than Courtney
Loves' latest raping of her husbands memory. (Dave and Krist...what in
the HELL were you thinking????)
I've sat back and watched
the new "Rock Revival" and bitten my tongue. Now, yes, it is nice
to see some 'rock' type music getting some of the proverbial love again
from the mainstream media, but this is ri-goddamn-diculous. In short;
The White Stripes, The Strokes, The Hives and all the others SUCK. Period.
Although, I do like The Vines for some reason. Blame Keavin, his review
of the album hooked me. (naw the music hooked you
, I just got your curiousity going. So would you say The Strokes are no
Vines? - Keavin) But, I digress...
Anyway, there are some problems
with the whole thing...first, The Strokes try to pass themselves off as
some kind of garage band who's all about the sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Folks, they can do that because THEY'RE ALL STINKING RICH!! They've been
rich for years...they're daddy's funded the whole damn thing. "America's
Favorite Four Car Garage Band" is as fitting a nickname as any that have
ever existed. Count me and Buddyhead as the two biggest Strokes haters.
But, hell, they hate 'em more than me. They hate 'em a lot.
The White Stripes. I don't
want to crucify this band just yet...they honestly worked their way up
the chain from the underground. I still can't get into 'em though.
Maybe, just maybe, if the singer dude would just come out and ADMIT that
he used to nail the drummer and she is, in fact, NOT his sister..then maybe
I'd raise the respect bar a little more. But, probably not...I think the
music blows.
The Hives. Jesus, where do
I start? First, they broke the cardinal rule of Rock and Roll: NO FAT GUYS
(unless you're Crowbar, but that's another story for another day..) Oh,
and their album has only been released, re-released, and re-re-re-released
something like 3851 times on 439 different labels. Hey, if it sucks
the first 3850 times it's released, it's going to suck on the 3851st time,
I think the thing that has
me so damn worked up about all this is the way that 'The Big Evil' (MTV,
Rolling Stone, and the others) are hyping this as some sort of 'Seattle
Part 2'. Ladies and gentlemen, I had front row seats for the original 'Seattle
Invasion' (I had just turned I was in the whole rebellious teenager
phase.) For about five minutes, that was real...a juggernaut that came
crashing in and changed the world. Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell,
Layne Staley, Dave Grohl, etc, etc...these are musicians that changed the
face of music and had (and still have) a lasting influence on music (both
above and underground). But that's about five minutes longer than this
current explosion. This is all so blatantlly about making billionaires
even more money that there is no way in hell that it can be "about the
music". Isn't that usually what sequels are all about anyway?
The same thing can be said
about the raping of Emo and Hardcore that 'The Big Evil' is committing
right now...but that's another rant for another day.
Oh, one last thing: Julian
Casa-whatever in the hell your name is (Singer for The Strokes)'s
called Stridex. USE IT.
**The five best albums
that came out this summer (from the middle of may until the end of August)
1-Bloodjinn 'Leave This
World Breathing'
2-Dillinger Escape Plan
w/ Mike Patton 'Irony Is A Dead Scene'
3-Dave Matthews Band 'Busted
4-Glassjaw 'Worship and
5-Bruce Springsteen 'The
**The three best movies
of this summer
2-Road To Perdition
3-Austin Powers In Goldmember
**Best DVD of the Summer
'The Simpsons' Complete
Second Season
This comes from;
nel·ly or nel·lie
Pronunciation Key (nl)
n. Offensive Slang pl. nel·lies
Used as a disparaging term
for an effeminate homosexual man.
[Probably from the name
Nelly, nickname for Helen.]
Gives new meaning to "it's
getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes" doesn't it?
{End Transmission}
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to:

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.