Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
Buy The Ticket, Take
The Ride
(This column is dedicated
to the memory of Layne Staley. RIP.)
{Begin Transmission}:
A sad time at ‘The Lab.’ The death of Layne
Staley was just another reminder that the best and brightest in the music/entertainment
world die too young (Cobain, Belushi, Nowell, Hoon, Morrison, Buddy Holly,
among many others). I know drugs are very ‘rock and roll’ (whatever
in the hell that means), but this is getting ridiculous.
Crazy times. Most days, I just sit around
‘The Lab’ reading Hunter Thompson books, rotating between Alice In Chains
‘Unplugged’ (for the mellow times) and Botch’s ‘We Are The Romans’ (for
the aggressive times) on the CD Player, and avoiding society in general.
Bad craziness. So, this month, for the very random times we live in my
head is swimming with very random thoughts. Here they are.
**Saying Courtney Love needs a psychiatric
evaluation is like saying the sun is bright or the sky is blue. In other
words: WELL DUH!
**Can someone please explain to me the
whole Linkin Park thing? While we’re at it, someone explain to me the genius
of: A Britney Spears VIDEO GAME, Dashboard Confessional,
and the need for any reality show not named “The Osborne’s”. It all makes
me cringe. I will now light myself on fire.
**So, is there a “Spiderman” movie coming
out or WHAT? I heard something about it a looooong time ago, but haven’t
heard or seen anything since. If anyone knows what’s going on, please drop
me an email. I mean, you’d THINK that a person would see at least ONE advertisement
for such a potentially HUGE movie. (*SARCASM ALERT*)
**The success of ‘The Osbournes’ still
amazes me. Nonetheless, it’s still one of the best shows on television
right now. Period. Even if it does air on the Great Satan of all TV networks.
**We need a “Behind The Music” for Guns
and Roses. And we need it NOW.
**If I ever met Andrew W.K. on the street,
I’d shoot him in the face. Twice. With a musket. AAAARRGGHH!
**Quote Of The Month: “I’m Ozzy f***in
Osbourne, The Prince Of f***in Darkness. What do I need with bubbles!?!
Evil, Sharon. EVIL!” (Or something to that effect.) You can’t write this
kind of comedy, folks.
**Another thing that causes me to consider
a multi-state killing spree is the success of Vagrant Records. Now, don’t
get me wrong, I’m all for a totally indie label going out and being successful
without the help of some snake of a corporate label helping..but this Dashboard
Confessional, Save The Day crap is, well just that-CRAP. Seriously, this
isn’t rock and’s whiny crap. Ok, look at it this way; (to steal
a bit from the people over at Buddyhead) Dashboard Confessional is what’ll
be playing on the car stereo when the fat chick in the straight from Hot
Topic clothes loses her virginity at prom this month. Again, I will now
light myself on fire.
** And finally…I think we need to build
upon the success of Fox’s “Celebrity Boxing” and do it a little different.
I can see it now: We could have such amazing under card action as Eddie
Vedder v/s Scott Stapp in a “Loser Leaves” match (Vedder, of
course, wins this one quite easily…Stapp would be too busy praying or something..)
Andrew W.K. v/s The Screaming Guy from
Linkin Park in a “The Winner Is Less Of A Dork” match (there are no
winner here since both of these guys are insanely huge DORKS)
Eminem v/s Bubba Sparxxx v/s Vanilla
Ice in a “White Guy Triple Threat” match. (there is no winner here
either, as the greatest Tag Team of All Time-Notorious B.I.G and 2Pac come
from nowhere..ok, well, the DEAD wipeout all three contestants).
And, finally, in THE MAIN EVENT we have
a COLOSSAL match up. BIGGER than ‘The Thrilla In Manilla’, BIGGER than
The Rock v/s Hollywood Hogan at Wrestlemania 18, BIGGER than Bob Barker
v/s Adam Sandler (ahh..’Happy Gilmore’. One of the most underrated movies
of my lifetime) we have a tag team match up for the ages…
The rules are simple going into this match.
If Durst and Love win, Fever and antiGUY have to drop out of the 2004 Presidential
Race (and, you’d thought I’d forgotten..haha. not bloody likely) and also
are to never right another unkind word about either EVER AGAIN. If Fever
and antiGUY win, Durst has to retire COMPLETELY from the business (no more
*ahem* “music”, no more video directing, NOTHING) and also admit that he’s
a fat, balding pedophile of a fraud. Love has to drop her various lawsuits
against Dave Grohl and Krist Noveselic, relinquish any rights she has to
Nirvana material and get the hell out of the way as the coveted Nirvana
Box Set finally gets released. High stakes. I think we all
know what happens in this match…I’ll just say that it wasn’t pretty. Fever
and antiGUY win in record time. Leaving Durst and Love lying in a bloody
heap in the middle of the ring.
The match springboards antiGUY to the 2004
nomination. With his VP candidate along for the ride (Fever, of course)
the wave rides high and washes up all the way at the White House. Life,
as we know it, is never the same again.
Well, that pretty much wraps up the random
thoughts. Oh, did I mention that this month. this column marks my two-year
anniversary writing for antiMUSIC? Well, it does. Time sure flies when
you’re bitching. Good times. Good times.
Oh, and I won’t be doing WHO DR. FEVER
THINKS SHOULD DIE HORRIBLY this month because, well, my second candidate
was involved in the Main Event…gee, what a shock.
Until next month…
{End Transmission}
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to:

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