Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
Obviously, The First
Amendment Doesn’t Always Apply
{Begin Transmission}:
Greetings from strange times at ‘The Lab.’
First, let me apologize for my lack of ranting for the month of February.
Granted, February is an evil month. An evil month full of bad vibrations
and nasty times, but I just couldn’t bring myself to write. I honestly
had nothing to bitch about. Well, that and The Doc has been going through
some drastic upheavals in his life since last we met. Strange times indeed.
At any rate, I had been kicking around
a couple of different ideas to write about this month. Hell, I came up
with a couple of ideas that I’ll re-hash in later months, but the answer
to my “what should I write about” question became so BLATANTLY obvious
one (not so) fine night while roaming around outside the confines of ‘The
See, most of the time, The Doc spends his
time locked in ‘The Lab’ listening to Dave Matthews Band bootlegs (or,
more often than not recently, my current favorite band (non DMB category)
‘...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead’. check ‘em out.), watching
DVDs’ (‘Blazing Saddles’, ‘The Godfather’ one and two, ‘Fight Club’, ‘Tombstone’
and ‘Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back’ being the most recent movies to get
worn out) or just plain being lazy. But, on RARE occasions when I can pry
myself away, I find myself taking part in “Open Mic” nights on campus (yes,
The Doc is BACK in school. Scary, I know.), this is where my most recent
inspiration comes from.
Now, when one here’s the term “Open Mic”
what does one think? Me personally, I think of having an avenue to get
on stage in front of both peers and strangers and ranting about what happens
to be bothering you at that particular moment. Others see it as an avenue
to read their poetry, or perhaps get up and do s***ty acoustic songs that
make Sean William Scotts’ opus in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” seem
like Platinum material (don’t know what I’m talking about? Watch the movie,
you’ll understand). You see though kiddies; the term “Open Mic” is somewhat
misleading, at least here on campus. But, I’d venture to say that it’s
like this at ANY close-minded institution that tries to make itself look
good by having “Open Mic” night for the students.
Ok, here’s the problem I have. I get up
on stage (for example) and just start complaining about whatever is bothering
me at that particular moment. Now, through the course of this, I pepper
in the occasional ‘colorful’ word (not unlike this column). Folks, four
letter words NEVER killed anyone. Terrorism. Anthrax. Cancer. AIDS. College
Cafeteria food. These are all things that have killed before. And will
kill again. But not words like “f***”, “s***”, etc, etc. But, you try telling
that to the chuckleheads who run the particular building that said open
mic is taking place in. Must be their high-strung religious beliefs. Speaking
of that (bad and obvious transition I know), here’s where my problem arises.
I don’t mind so much that I have to keep my little rants clean, sure it
irritates me, but I’m not going to go all psycho over it. What bothers
me is that right after I walk off stage, some brainf***ed schmo walks on
stage right after me and gives a 45-minute, Jesus filled sermon and practically
condemns everyone in the audience to hell unless they straighten up their
act and adopt holy mother church into their lives. Talk about offensive!!
Now, let me clarify before you start flaming
me all to s*** in the ‘Fan Speak’ section: I am NOT attacking religion.
I am NOT attacking people who are religious. And, I am damn sure NOT attacking
people and or their beliefs. What you believe is fine and damn dandy to
me. What bothers me is the hypocrisy that follows this whole thing. Someone
gets on stage, says ‘f***’, and the administration (or whomever happens
to be present at that time) goes ape s*** trying to figure out what to
do. Someone goes on stage, tells everyone their going to hell because they
are all full of sin and hey, it’s A-OK. No problems here. Just preaching
the good word. What? Atheists aren’t offendable? Agnostics aren’t offendable?
People like myself (who believe in the following: Heaven, Hell, Jesus,
God, Satan, Good Coffee, Even Better Music, and the FACT that Quentin Tarantino
is the forgotten genius of this generation... come on QT, when are we gonna
get another movie for s***sake!?)aren’t offendable? It’s a vicious double
standard that bothers the (pardon the pun) hell out of me.
I fully expect a s*** storm to follow this,
but again, please keep in mind...I’m NOT attacking people who are religious,
people who feel the need to talk about their religious beliefs (that’s
another rant for another time), or religion itself. I’m attacking the numbnut,
narrow-minded nitwits who set the double standard. The people who somewhere
along the line whipped it out and took a piss on the Bill Of Rights and
constantly allow the double standard to happen. That’s it. I mean, think
about it..There are more ‘mainstream’ (I hate that word) examples of the
SAME DAMN DOUBLE STANDARD, things like: Advisory stickers on CDs, Ratings
on both TV shows AND movies, the fact that the FCC exists in general, just
to name a few.
At any rate...just needed to bitch about
that, I feel much better now. So, like I always used to say (and like Dennis
Miller still says); That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Until next month...
{End Transmission}
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