Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
Even Santa has 'The
{Begin Transmission}:
T'was the night before Christmas, and all
through the lab, not a creature was stirring. Not even security. I had
settled in with some rum and my copy of 'Godfather 2' from 'The Godfather'
DVD box set, when all of a sudden, my Motorola two-way went off. Nothing
good ever comes of the two-way sending me a message, so with baited breath
and a heavy heart I read the said: "Doc, Big S here. We
gotta talk. Be over in a few."
Not knowing exactly what the meaning of
all this was, I mean, how DARE he interrupt my viewing of capo de capo
of badass movies just to 'talk'! And, on CHRISTMAS EVE no less, I was disturbed.
Thirty minutes later, I could hear the
locks on the security doors opening, and sure enough there he was. Kris
Kringle. Ol St Nick. Yep, 'Big S' was none other than Santa Claus. A close
personal friend for some years, he's one of five people who have security
clearance to get into The Lab. I could tell he was shaken. So, I stopped
the movie (right in the middle of Micheal telling Fredo that he knew it
was him..damn!) and sat down Big S to see what the problem was.
FEVER: Ok fat man, this better be
important. Wait, aren't you supposed to be delivering toys right now?
BIG S: Yeah. But Doc, I can't do
it this year. I've got 'the fear'.
FEVER: Now, why in the name of Vito
Corleone would you have 'the fear'?
BIG S: It's this whole World Trade
Center thing man. Ever since then, every radar jockey from here to Calcutta
has an itchy trigger finger. They see an unknown object on the screen and
they'll exterminate with extreme prejudice.
BIG S: Seriously. I don't know if
I can do it. Besides, kids today
they don't want toys anyway. Why should
I risk my rosy red ass to deliver a bunch of No Doubt cd's to 10-year-old
girls who can't understand the music anyway? Tell me, why should I!?
FEVER: Well, when you put it that
way. No Doubt? Didn't they used to be some kind of 'rock band'? I hear
they've transformed into a rap group because the hottie singer has an itchin
to be a bad girl...
BIG S: Oh it gets WORSE! I've got
14-year-old boys who want condoms, cell phones, red New York Yankees hats
and Ludicrous CD's! Whatever happened to wanting a Red Rider BB Gun...
(It was at this point that Big S grew really agitated and started
drinking from the bottle of rum on my desk)'s not worth it
Doc. I tell ya, it's just not worth it. Let the spoiled little brats go
out and buy this s*** on mommy and daddys platinum card. To hell with,
I quit. I'm not getting my ass blown to bits by some pimple infested, fresh
out of bootcamp kid at N.O.R.A.D. who thinks he's playing 'Flight Simulator'.
Screw it Doc, SCREW IT!
FEVER: Well Big Man, I can understand
in a way. Red Yankees hats! PFFT! Mickey Mantle is rolling over in his
liquor filled grave. But, it's not a lost cause--you can do it. What about
the kids man! Think about the little kids! They'll be heartbroken.
BIG S: Doc, it's the LITTLE kids
that want the dumbest s***. I've got a list here from five-year-old Timmy
in Moosebutt Alberta Canada. This 'kid' wants a digital cell phone, a platinum
necklace, a diamond and platinum Rolex and corn-rows. CORNROWS!!! How the
hell am I supposed to leave CORNROWS under the tree for a FIVE YEAR OLD,
CANADIAN, WHITE KID!!! It's outta control Doc.
(Big S was starting to get drunk
as this all went on)
FEVER: Alright, look Big Man. I'll
make it simple. Either you get your big, rosy, red ass into the sleigh
and start delivering some toys or Im going to revoke your security clearance...
FEVER: Like Hell I wouldn't! Look,
S, I understand that MTV and popular culture in general are ruining the
sensible tastes of todays kids. But that doesn't change the FACT that
you've got a job to do. I figure, you gotta at least try man.
BIG S: But, Doc, 'The Fear''s
paralyzing me.
FEVER: To hell with 'The Fear' man.
Just get out there and deliver the toys! Take a chance! Hell, at least
you don't have to go through airport security. Think about the poor saps
that have to do that EVERYDAY. Come on man, get your fat ass moving. Times
is a-wastin.
Apparently this was all Big S needed to
hear. He leapt up, snagged my rum for company (shifty bastard!) and ran
to his sleigh, laughing his jolly laugh the whole way.
Having saved Christmas, I went back to
watching 'The Godfather 2', snagged another bottle of rum from the cabinet
and tried to brainstorm some ideas for another rant...damn this writers
{End Transmission}
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to:

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.