Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
Finally, They Got It
{Begin Transmission}:
The strange times of recent weeks and months
continue at the lab. I can't quite explain it all, but odd vibrations surround
me of late. Not sure what's the blame for this foulness. But at least the
hallucinations have stopped. No more rabid bats and venomous mice, just
silence. Silence and solitude. At least, that's what My Attorney told me
to say. The paper work still hasn't cleared. Shit, I've lost my train of
thought...oh yes, yes. I remember. I think I do know the answer to one
of the troubling problems, prepare yourselves for this one folks, MTV has
managed to produce a program that is (*gasp*) ENJOYABLE.
I've got to admit, I’m hooked. For years,
I've waited, hoped, prayed that the nitwits at MTV would come up with something,
ANYTHING that could appeal to a person like myself. I honestly couldn't
tell you the last thing they've aired that I could sit back and watch without
my 'critical bastard' hat on. Maybe 'Headbangers Ball', but even that had
it's "Jumped the Shark" moments. But at any rate, they've done it. I will
now officially go on record as saying that "The Osbournes" is one of the
most entertaining and watchable shows on television right now (right up
there with "The Simpsons", "The Job", "Titus", "Dennis Miller Live" and
"Pardon The Interuption" as far as my opinion goes). It's scary, but I
now find myself flipping channels and staying on MTV long enough to see
if there happens to be a re-run of the show running at that particular
moment. Me, Dr Fever, liking (let alone supporting) something on EmpTV.
Have I gone mad?? Are all these years of hard living catching up with me??
Or, is it ever so possible that some schmuck at EmpTV had enough brainpower
to go:
"Hmm..we need something that appeals to
people over the age of 4. We need to go in a totally different direction
here...hmmm...I know, let's throw someone up their that'll scare the s***
out of them!! Let's do a show about SHARON OSBOURNE!! HAHA!! GENIOUS!!"
Seriously, the show is entertainment at
it's best. Maybe I’m going insane but you cannot beat the comedy of watching
Jack Osbourne (Ozzy’s slightly 'off' son) blasting Meshuggah at 2 in the
morning because his neighbors have decided to start a war against the Osbourne
clan. Only to have this followed up the very next night by dear old dad
calmly picking up a massive chunk of wood (I’d say a good 5 to 10 pound
piece), calmly walking through the gate and up to the side of his annoying
neighbors house, toss the thing through the window, and non-chalantly walking
back like it was the most natural thing in the world. Pure Comedy. Now,
granted, it does show a side of Ozzy that none of truly want to see: the
older, calmer side of Ozzy. We all know that in the old days, Ozzy would
have just walked over and bit the heads off their pets.. probably would
have drank their blood too. But that was then, this is now.
In a nutshell, this show is worth watching
and actually makes "reality TV" (the subject of a future rant, trust me)
almost (I stress that word) good. But, one diamond doesn't totally make
up for the s***-storm of stink that is reality TV. At any rate, "The Osbournes"
provide us, the TV viewing public, an actual 30 minutes of watchable programming
on EmpTV. Now, the other 23 and a half hours of the day suck complete ass
on that station.. But at least there's that half hour we can hold close
to our hearts. As a matter of fact, I will now also go on record as saying
we need another show like this. Same premise, BUT, we let the cameras follow
around Axl Rose. Oh my dear god, can you imagine the possibilities?? I
can, and the whole concept makes me giddy with joy. This MUST happen, and
it must happen NOW.
Two final, unrelated points. First, I’d
like to send a "shoutout" (as the kids would say) to the guys in The Icarus
Line and the guys who do
(the latter being one of the best sites on the web. period. A close second
in my opinion behind this site as the prominent, tongue in cheek music
sites). It seems that our friends in Buddyhead decided to raise a little
hell at the South By Southwest Music Convention. The guys from Buddyhead,
instead of sitting on the music panel decided to give their credentials
to Jeff Wood of Dillinger Escape Plan and SHAT (one of the most entertaining
people god put on this rock) and a black transvestite. Not to be outdone,
the Icarus Line followed this lovely display up with their performance
at The Hard Rock Cafe. Now, this gig goes against everything that the guys
in The Icarus Line believe in terms of music (they are, along with Buddyhead,
the proverbial middle finger in the face of Corporate Music). So, to make
the night memorable, part of the way through the set, the singer for Icarus
Line runs over with his mic stand, smashes open a glass display case holding
one of Stevie Ray Vaughns guitars, grabs the guitar and tries to plug it
in and play it...until he and the band were chased out by security. According
to what I've heard, both Icarus Line and Buddyhead are banned for life
from that particular town (which I believe was Austin, Texas). At any rate
Icarus Line/Buddyhead, I salute you.
And finally..a new feature in the column..this
This month, I nominate Courtney Love. An
obvious first choice I know, but her actions of recent months have driven
me to the breaking point kids. I see images of her on TV I flip off the
television and scream in disgust and anger. But Courtney I do agree with
you on one subject you've brought up in recent months..I wish you'd have
never married Kurt either. That way, you'd be a heroin junkie somewhere,
Kurt would still be alive, and i'd never have to see your ugly ass face
again. I sincerely hope that when this whole lawsuit with Krist and Dave
comes to pass, that you lose and in the process you get stripped of any
"power" you have over the rights to anything Nirvana related. You're raping
myself and my fellow Nirvana fans of what we crave and I dare say deserve
(the boxset) and you're a plague on the music industry. But, then again,
I hope you achieve you're precious "musician union" as well. Hell, I hope
you get a little Rock and Roll Teamsters going on there and that you end
up the leader. THEN I hope you end up like another "famous" teamster leader,
Jimmy Hoffa, and I hope you disappear from this planet for ever you money
grubbing, murderous BITCH!
I feel so much better now. Wait! I hear
the gong and I crave whiskey! I must, until next month...
{End Transmission}
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to:

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.