Dr. Fever
Dr. Fever is a syndicated columnist for
antiMUSIC. The views expressed by Dr. Fever do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of antiMUSIC, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group,
and/or our sponsors.. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda - you know the drill.
Relocation, Procrastination,
Rum and MTV-X
{Begin Transmission}:
The Doctor has returned and, let me tell
ya, he's had an interesting month. First and foremost, I relocated 'The
Lab' from it's third rate dark and dank location to a more suitable (and
well fortified) location. It still amazes me that I was able to get the
large majority of my worldly possession to fit into a Chevy Cavalier, but
I did it.
Anyway, I’ve been hearing rumors that people
thought I had overdosed, obviously, this is not true. I have, in essence,
been taking my good sweet time waiting for the right subject to present
itself, and it finally did, and, it presented itself in the form of MTV
(gee, what a shock eh?), but not entirely in the way most of you think.
As we all know, MTV has been a favorite
target of my venom from the beginning (and rightfully so), but this time
I’d like to applaud MTV on something they've done. That SOMETHING is MTV-X.
For those of you who don't know, MTV-X is actually a kick ass Music Video
channel that doesn't show commercials and shows videos (rock videos that
is) that you'll never catch on the Big Brother network these days. I discovered
MTV-X last week while sipping Rum and Coke with a super close friend of
mine (thank GOD you had digital cable Kathryn, otherwise, I might STILL
not have anything to write about..haha). In one night I saw videos by Earth
Crisis, DIO, Ratt, Yes, and other interesting bands. Now, I only marginally
like ONE of those bands I listed (Earth Crisis) BUT, it's a principle man!
RATT!?!? DIO!?!? On a network owned by Viacom in the year 2001!?!? THIS
HAS GOT TO BE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! Well, sadly it is. (Here comes the
big 'plot twist')I found out 3 days after my discovery of this grand channel
that, in fact, MTV-X is going to be part of MTV's 'new' plan that takes
affect at the end of the year. Apparently, MTV and M2 are going to COMBINE
into ONE damn channel and show NOTHING but Pop and Hip Hop videos (that
is, when they actually SHOW videos I suppose). Now, here's the kicker,
all the 'Rock' (and, I would guess, any video that MTV doesn't deem cool
enough to be shown to a bunch of 12-18 year old kids on the main network),
will be shuffled over to MTV-X, which is going to be a 'pay' network. Now,
I'm not crystal clear on exactly what 'pay network' means. Does it mean,
'Pay Per View' or does it mean that you pay for it year to year like you
would HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, etc? At any rate, that part that really gets
me is this; Why does MTV and Viacom deem it necessary to CHARGE for the
only channel they have that's cool? And, when I say cool, I mean cool to
the millions and millions of people my age and older who would actually
watch their channels more regularly if they didn't gear the s*** towards
some 13 year old in Tacoma Washington who's got a Palm Pilot and Daddy’s
credit cards. Of course, all of it boils down to money (we all already
knew that) and I'm guessing that sucking enough money to equal the GNP
of Peru out of their target demographic isn't appealing enough to the 'suits'
at MTV, they only want more.
I'm fed up with all this, I’m going to
go spend sometime on a beach somewhere, sipping rum and reading Hunter
S Thompson books. I'm gonna try and forget all this bogus s*** that is
being laid (and is about to be laid) on all of us. I'm leaving my computer,
my cellphone and TV at 'The Lab' and getting away from all this s***. So,
until next month...............
{End Transmission}
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to: PureRockFury@antimusic.net

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.