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2001...End Of The Line
{Begin Transmission}:
The lab is jumping these days. Just finished
putting up the tree and the lights, a very festive mood. Hell, it's better
than dealing with the realities of the world. So, it's with that in mind
that I sit down at the trusty computer to reflect back on the music and
music events of the year that was 2001.
For me, personally, 2001 was a GREAT year
(not just in terms of music..but in my personal life as well). As far as
the music (and things tied to that go), it was a really good year. Granted,
there were low points, such as: Run DMC releasing "Crown Royal", Wes Borland
trying to convince us that his 'Big Dumb Face' side project was GOOD let
alone viable, Fred Durst still poisoning the minds of so many and making
them believe that he makes good music, Courtney Love still walking the
earth AND depriving Nirvana fans the coveted Box Set we've all been waiting
for, Creed and N Sync unleashing new albums, and so forth. BUT, we're not
here to reflect on the BAD things, we're here to reflect on the good things,
for a change. haha.
2001 was the year that I met Kerry King,
Tom Araya, Dimebag Darrell, Vinnie Paul and Wayne Static. 2001 was the
year that I finally booked my first rock show (WooddellStock 2001-featuring:
Bloodjinn, What's Left, Darkness Remains, Silver July and Die 77) and it
was a SUCESSFUL. 2001 also gave us a TON of good release from artists you've
heard of as well as artists you haven't heard of. So, with no further ado,
I present to you my Second Annual 10 Best of the Year.
First; the honorable mention list. Honorable
mention this year goes to: Hot Water Music 'A Flight and A Plan', Kid Rock
'Cocky', The Strokes 'Is This It', Staind 'Break The Cycle', Smashing Pumpkins
'Rotten Apples: Best Of The Smashing Pumpkins', Tenacious D 'Tenacious
D', Pearl Jams World Tour Official Bootlegs, Green Day 'International Super
Hits', and Bob Dylan 'Love and Theft'. Now, with that out of the way:
*10-Jerimiah's Grotto=Through It All
An indie rock band that you've never heard
of probably. But still, that doesn't change the fact that this album kicks
ass. Melodic and rockin all at the same time. A definite plus for any CD
Thom Yorke is a pompous ass. We all know
that. BUT, still, his band makes compelling music. Now, while most people
were hoping for ANYTHING but Kid A Pt 2, what they got was, well, Kid A
Part 2. Aww..those crazy Brits. Anyway, this is still a good album, even
if it serves as nothing more than Thom Yorkes platform for destroying conceptions
of his band.
*8-Converge=Jane Doe
This thing is the what METAL/HARDCORE
is supposed to be about. Total insanity wrapped into a nice little package.
This is the type of CD that today’s so-called "Metal Masters" should listen
to so they can get an idea of how it's done.
*7-Incubus=Morning View
Incubus makes great music. That's undeniable.
Sadly, the MAJORITY of the people buying this album are buying because
they're 12 years old and their hormones are raging over Brandon Boyd’s
abs. But, nonetheless, that shouldn't take away from the fact that this
album is the just the next step in the evolution of Incubus. One of the
few 'mainstream' bands that makes GOOD, enjoyable music.
*6-Weezer=Weezer (The Green Album)
When this album came out, the only people
who gave a rats ass were the REAL Weezer fans. The people who'd been there
since Day One (or at least since they wore out their copies of the bands
first album). THEN, TRL and the like jumped on the bandwagon of 'Hash Pipe'
and next thing you know..the zombie legions are buying this album in droves.
Oh well, like Incubus, I won't hold that against them. They are still a
good band. And, they get bonus points for having Will Ferrell (fellow TKE,
insanely funny man) on stage performing with them when they played Saturday
Night Live.
*5-Ryan Adams=Gold
Adams used to be the singer for a great
AltRock/AltCountry band called Whiskeytown. Then he struck out to record
some solo work. With this album he struck (no pun intended) gold. The first
single from the album ('New York, New York') is just now getting attention
because of the video (currently in heavy rotation on m2). The video was
shot 4 days before the attack on NY and prominently features shots of the
World Trade Centers. As far as the rest of the record goes. Imagine a young
(understandable) Bob Dylan, crossed with a young Bruce Springsteen and
you're on the right track.
*4-Various Artists=Born In Hell, Raised
In Jail
This compilation featuring Bloodjinn,
EndOfAll and others is one of the best hardcore albums I’ve ever owned.
It provides more proof that Bloodjinn is the BEST BAND YOU'VE NEVER HEARD
OF, and it showcases some other damn fine bands from the Tribunal Records
family. Find it. Get it.
James Maynard Keenan is crazy. Or weird
at least. BUT STILL, this record is great. Moody, dark, heavy, melodic…sometimes
in the same song! There isn't much more I can say about this album that
hasn't already been said. If you don't have it yet then what in the HELL
are you thinking?
*2-Thursday=Full Colapse
Indie Rock, Emo, Straight Ahead Rock..this
New Jersey band is so incredibly powerful that you just have to hear them
to understand. Also, they're one of the few bands that is able to capture
the energy (and pain) of their live shows on CD. Again, if you haven't
heard of (or heard) this band, you REALLY need to find this album and snag
it. quick. You won't be disappointed.
ALBUM OF THE YEAR. But, there is a catch. I narrowed it down to THREE.
I tried everything I could think of to narrow those three down to ONE,
and JUST COULDN'T. So, basically, we have a TIE for Number One. Three Records.
All GREAT in their own ways, and ALL deserving of NUMBER ONE. So Here they
*1(A)-Dave Matthews Band=Lillywhite
I know, I know. This album is a BOOTLEG.
But still, this is the record that all the DMB fans (myself included) wanted.
What we got was EVERYDAY. (not a bad album itself…but still...what were
they THINKING?). This album EASILY went Underground Platinum and deservedly
so. This is the DMB we all know and this is the record we SHOULD have gotten.
So, with that said, that's why it's ranked where it is. (*side note: I
read on nancies.org that the band is going back into the studio after the
first of the year and apparently they're going to re-record (or at least
re-mix) at least some of the songs on this album. That should prove interesting*)
*1(B)-Clutch=Pure Rock Fury
NEVER has there been a more appropriate
album title. For those of you who know me, you know that Clutch competes
with Dave Matthews Band as my favorite band, so maybe there was a little
bias in choosing it as one of the Number Ones. But, really, when you look
at it this album is EVERYTHING Clutch fans could have ever wanted. A perfect
blend of all their various styles and sounds from over the years. It is
hard to ignore this album. If the other two albums in this list of Number
Ones had not come out, this album would have been Number One by a LONG
*1(C)-What's Left-There's A Ground Monty
First, a confession. This album didn't
OFFICALLY come out this year. It was SUPPOSED too, but for various reasons
it didn't. None the less, i've had a copy of this album since January,
And this album surely deserves it's ranking. What's Left, a four piece
from Athens WV, is what rock and roll should be. Catchy, Melodic, and the
occasional bit of heavy. A band that has been described (by their own drummer
no less) as 'Classic Rock mixed with Emo' can't be all that bad. If their
is ANY justice at all in this world, one day we'll see Bob, Dylan, Mark
and Andy up on the picture tube re-writing the rules of "Popular Rock and
Roll". They deserve it, and we as music fans deserve it. If you want to
see for yourself what I’m talking about, visit WHAT'S LEFT NET. You can
download songs and check it out yourself. It's worth your time.
Well, there you have it. Another year for
Dr Fever comes to a close. 2002 looks interesting, lots of good music on
the way (new 'concept' record from Bloodjinn, debut records from Darkness
Remains and Holden Caulfield, and many many more great things). Here's
hoping that 2K2 can come with in the same zipcode of 2K1. And, here's hoping
Courtney Love gets hit by a runaway train or something.
See ya next year kiddies. In the meantime,
I’ll be in the lab, reading Hunter S Thompson, drinking Jack Daniels and
Rum, and hoping that things remain on the up and up. In the meantime..have
a Gonzo Holiday Season. And Stay Safe.
{End Transmission}
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to: PureRockFury@antimusic.net

a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.