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Recap of top stories for the week of 7/9/07
Beatles Diapers reports: Saatchi & Saatchi, the advertising geniuses behind that Kurt Cobain Doc Martens campaign, plan to market a line of Luvs diapers to the tune of "All You Need Is Love". Here's the poop--I mean, scoop: 

Procter & Gamble wants Luvs to be all that parents need. 

Its new "All You Need is Luvs" marketing campaign uses the classic Beatles song "All You Need is Love" to spread the word about Luvs' Bear Hug Stretch diaper. [this is why all ad people that use classic songs should be shot]- more on this story

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Biomechanical Studio Fire
PR reports: Jon Collins, bassist of BIOMECHANICAL checks in with a fiery studio update on the recording of their upcoming album, 'Cannibalised': "Chris Webb Blows Up Chris Tsangarides' mixing desk 

John K and Chris Tsangarides were recording Chris Webb's solos when a strong smell of electrical fire started to fill the room. Right after that, smoke started coming out of the desk's power supply and it eventually caught fire! Chris ran out of the main room and grabbed the fire extinguisher. Thankfully it was put out straight away. Just a few more minutes and the whole thing would go up in flames! Just a small glitch…. : / Biomech recordings will restart as soon as the desk is back on line"- 
- more on this story

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Snow Patrol Arrest
Contact Music reports: SNOW PATROL keyboard player TOM SIMPSON was arrested on drugs charges on Saturday (7Jul07) just hours after the band performed at LIVE EARTH in London. 

Simpson was taken into custody at Northolt RAF base after failing to appear in court in Scotland accused of possession of Class A substances. 

- more on this story

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Korn Arrest
TuneLab reports: Korn touring guitarist Clint Lowery was arrested at the Hodokvas festival in Slovakia on July 5th according the festivals website. Lowery was temporarily detained following a "wild drunken night" which resulted in a trashed hotel room. Lowery was released after apologizing for the act and paying for damages.- more breaking rock news

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Maroon 5 Carbonated Tour
PR reports: Grammy-winning pop quintet Maroon 5 has announced plans for their 2007 "It Won't Be Soon Before Long" world tour, hitting 28 North American cities, with special guest The Hives, beginning September 29th in Detroit and concluding November 10th in Las Vegas. 

The tour is in support of their recently released sophomore album, which debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200, the second highest selling debut of the year according to Soundscan. The band is also partnering with climate change organization Global Cool in order to make the massive production "carbon neutral." 

Global Cool will work closely with Maroon 5's production team, management and the boys themselves to reduce the carbon emissions produced by the world tour before offsetting the remaining emissions that cannot be reduced.- more on this story

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Women Should All Be Shot in the Head?
AP reports: The judge in Phil Spector's murder trial decided Monday to let jurors hear from a celebrity security guard who says he heard the record producer rant against women and declare they should all be shot in the head. 

Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler had previously decided against allowing the testimony, but he said he reconsidered when the issue was raised again by the prosecution at the end of its case.
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Cops Bust Prince Show
BBC reports: Pop star Prince has been forced off stage by police during a late-night gig in his home town of Minneapolis. 

The musician, 49, was halfway through his set at the legendary First Avenue nightclub when he announced: "The authorities say we gotta go." 

The club, which Prince made famous in his movie Purple Rain, is allowed to stay open until 0300, but the star only took to the stage at 0245 on Sunday.- more on this story

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Double The Cure
Filter reports: The Cure are obviously firm believers in a good bargain. With their 13th studio album in the works, Robert Smith and the boys are planning to release a double disc that the band has agreed to sell for the reasonable price of one. With disc one consisting of all new material, disc two will showcase tracks hand picked by Smith himself. With the origin of three tracks dating all the way back from the 80s- more on this story

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Alice Cooper Guitarist Recovering from Heart Attack
BW&BK reports: As previously reported, Dick Wagner, former ALICE COOPER BAND guitarist suffered a "serious" heart attack recently but is expected to make a "full recovery." 

Suzy Michelson, Wagner's business partner, has issued the following update: "I just saw Dick at the hospital and he is now entirely alert, his great mind is intact, his humor is intact. His heart and body are recovering- more on this story

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Beyonce Visits Fans She Almost Blew Up
BBC reports: Pop star Beyonce has visited two fans in hospital after they were injured by pyrotechnics at one of her concerts. 

The accident happened shortly after her show started in Missouri, US, on Sunday night when fireworks meant for the stage spilled into the audience. 

Two unnamed concertgoers were taken to hospital, but their injuries were said to be minor.- more on this story

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David Hasselhoff Bigger than Live Earth
antiMusic reports: It wasn't just Brits that could care less if the world goes down in burning lake of fire caused by yuppies in SUVs eating McBurgers. Or maybe Americans have caught on to what Germany has known all along- David Hasselhoff is sexier than Al Gore. The U.S. ratings are in and Gore's attempt to turn the world on to the dangers of global warming by using untold amounts of energy and releasing an explosive amount of carbon into the atmosphere by staging a global concert that somehow was supposed to help stop global warming by contributing to it. At least they raised some money from ticket sales to fund their crusade of getting people to "Just Say No" to abusing our great planet. 

Like our English friends, Americans largely tuned out the Live Earth broadcast that subconsciously educated us to the dangers of global warming by showing us that Madonna is a bit long in the tooth and a few decades past her virgin prime. 

The usually lowest rated network broadcaster NBC were probably hoping to get a boost in viewership this past weekend with the event, but they stayed true to form with the lowest ratings of the night. In fact, their Sat night ratings actually dropped from their average. The numbers were down about18% from the previous week for repeats of America's Got Talent and Medium. According to preliminary numbers only about 2.7 million Americans could be bothered to witness why music business sales are sinking as fast as the polar icecaps. - more on this story

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Metallica Deny Terrorism
TuneLab reports: According to representative for Metallica's James Hetfield, the reports that he was detained in a London airport due to his "taliban-like beard" are false. 

In an interview with, the rep stated "It's false. It's not true." 

[But this doesn't get them off the hook for the auditory terrorism that was their last album. Lars' drums should have been declared a weapon of mass destruction to their credibility]- more breaking rock news 

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Velvet Revolver Sales Misfire
PR reports: The good news is that Velvet Revolver still has enough fans to fill three 30,000 seat arenas. The bad news is it looks like they lost almost 2/3rds of their fans between the release of their debut album and their sophomore effort 'Libertad'. Still a top 5 showing is nothing to lose your tophat over. The Ex-Guns N' Roses band featuring the ex-Stone Temple Pilot frontman sold 92,000 copies of the new album in the US last week, down from 256,000 for their debut. 

Last week's no. 1 from the achy breaky offspring Miley Cyrus was displaced by rapper T.I. who moved 468,000 copies of "T.I. vs. T.I.P". Cyrus' sales dropped over 40% in the second week with sales of 188,000 units. Tweens really love that gansta sh**- Ohh we're half way there. See who else placed in the top 5 here 

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Plug Pulled on The Police Unplugged 
antiMusic reports: Looks like the plug has been pulled on the Friday the 13th taping for MTV's Unplugged episode staring The Police. The Miami Herald reports that the band has put on the "red light" to plans for the concert that was schedule to take place this week at a secret South Florida location. 

The reunited Police were expected to tape the show in an intimate setting for the newly relaunched MTV series but it has been postponed with no reason given and no new date announced, so the postponement might coincide with the release of the new Guns N' Roses album. 
- grab your lute and click here for more

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Avril Stole Another Song?
Hecklerspray reports: Avril Lavigne is slap-bang in the middle of the biggest critical thumping of her life at the moment, thanks to The Rubinoos claiming that one of their songs was stolen by Avril Lavigne for her super annoyo-hit Girlfriend - but that's not the end. 

Because now it seems as if Avril Lavigne has been borrowing bits of other songs to use as her own, also. Following the claim by The Rubinoos that the "Hey! Hey! You! You!" hook from Avril's Girlfriend was stolen from the "Hey! Hey! You! You!" hook from their I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend, it's now emerged that Avril Lavigne's I Don't Have To Try seems to be a carbon copy of I'm The Kinda by bearded sex-kraken Peaches. Avril Lavigne has yet to respond to this new ripping-off claim, but the question remains - if Avril Lavigne does keep ripping off other people's songs, then why can't she make any of them sound any good? 

An interesting aside. reports that Advil named "I'm The Kinda" as one of her five favorite songs in the July issue of InStyle. It will be interesting to hear her say she never heard it before. Then again, this might just be the most punk rock thing she has ever done, silly ties and dirty hair aside.
- Check out the evidence and have more fun with Hecklerspray here.

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New Book Claims Jim Morrison OD'd in a Toilet
Gigwise reports: A new book alleges that Jim Morrison died of a heroin overdose in a Paris nightclub, seemingly dispelling the theory that he was killed by heart failure. 

The Doors frontman was found dead in the bathtub in his Paris apartment in March 1971 – a death that's always been shrouded in mystery. Coroners did not carry out an autopsy as they believed there were no suspicious circumstances. owner Sam Bernett claims in his book 'Life, Death, Legend' that Morrison died from a heroin overdose in a toilet cubicle in his Rock and Roll Circus nightclub. Bernett alleges that two drug dealers tried to revive the singer but failed, so they hauled his body back to the apartment where Morrison's girlfriend Pamela Courson apparently discovered the body.
- What a great way to sell a book no one would read otherwise! Read more "revelations" here 

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Broken Benjamin
antiMusic reports: We have a follow up to yesterday's "Breaking Benjamin Breaking up?" story. Breaking Benjamin frontman Ben Burley took to the band's message board to reassure fans that the band wasn't breaking up and explained the abrupt end to their tour. Here is his message:

"What's up guys? Just wanted to fill you in on what's going on. I regrettably had to postpone some shows, because I'm not feeling well and haven't felt 100% since November when I left the Godsmack tour four days early. I'm a private person, and I would like to keep my personal health to myself but I wanted to go on the record and tell everyone that this is nothing drug or alcohol related. As a matter a fact I have been completely clean and sober for 7 months. I'm working on seeing the best doctors and exploring every avenue possible to fixing this. - more on this story

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Clarkson Vs Old Fart Davis
antiMusic reports: What to do when a dinosaur with an overblown opinion of himself tells you that you need more cheese for your album? If you're Kelly Clarkson you tell him where to put his cheese. 

We are talking about the great war between Kelly Clarkson and RCA label head, Clive Davis. Davis, whose biggest claims to fame are inheriting Barry Manilow when he took over a label after being fired from CBS under a cloud of embezzlement allegations and later taking credit for an employee's discovery of Whitney Houston, didn't care for Clarkson wanting to be a legitimate artist and recording her own material. Instead, he wanted the standard cheese factory to manufacture some hits for her. Clarkson did the unthinkable, she stood her ground against the geriatric label head. 

Clarkson breaks her silence about the showdown with Davis in the August edition of Blender. When Davis approached her to drop her songs in favor of cheese factory "hits," Clarson tells the magazine that she responded, "I don't know you very well, and I am not a bull-sh*ter. I get you don't like the album. You're 80. You're not supposed to like my album."- more fun with Jive here

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Metallica Dog Rape
Blabbermouth reports: As a child of 11, guitarist Kirk Hammett watched in horror as his pet dog Tippy was penetrated by the guy next door. That's just one of many jaw-dropping facts we learn about ultimate rock monsters METALLICA in the new issue of British magazine Q. 

Hammett explains: "I went to my neighbor's. The guy took down his pants and started having sex with the dog! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When he got up, I just took the dog and left. She was still wagging her tail." 

[Why they would go on record about such things is a mystery. Maybe they have a new therapist that encourages such things? They talk about more normal vices as well.- Read about them here with the continuation of this story. 

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Mailbag: Nutbag Fans, Jive Hoax, Is Humor Dead Too?- Breaking Stupidity and more
Day in Rock reports: The mail and comments are streaming in faster than we can read it! So we picked a few highlights from this week's stack. Enjoy! 

Get Your Facts Straight!

A nameless idiot comments Friday on the "Breaking Up? Benjamin" story from earlier this week (posted on Wed for Thur's Day in Rock). idiot writes: you guys should get your facts straight before writing a story that is COMPLETLEY false. check their REAL website there, it tells why they had to cancel the tour, not because they are breaking up.

Response. If you had bothered to read the story and check the date you will see that the quote came directly from that website. In fact, we posted the ENTIRE statement as it was given at that time. The band gave a vague explanation, which led to the rumors of a break up that we mentioned in the story. And it was COMPLETELY TRUE as we stated in the story that there were rumors swirling around about them breaking up. We are not mindreaders and therefore can not look into the future for statements that have not been made yet. Can you genius? Now if you had looked further for the follow up story posted Thursday where we posted the entire NEW statement from Ben (which was posted on the bands message board after our original story) you might not look like a COMPLETE ass. Try reading exactly what is written in the future and get your facts straight before bitching. 

Jive Hoax?

Zane has an interesting conspiracy theory about the Kelly Clarkson / Jive Davis feud. Zane writes: Wouldn't it be hilarious if Davis and Clarkson cooked this whole feud up to generate sales? Maybe Davis really is the crafty spawn of Satan.

Response: That would be interesting but a bit far fetched when you are dealing with an ego that assumed that CDs were named after him. We aren't making that up.

Support The Troops

Kelli writes in about our story about Drowning Pool's new charity action This is For The Soldiers. Which we do commend. But she was puzzled about some comments added to the announcement. She writes: What was with the crack about Marines, Sailors etc. being out of luck? I didn't see anywhere in the story where this effort was only going to help the Army. 

response: The title of their effort, "This Is For The Soldiers," gives the impression that this is only going to aid wounded Army vets. The website doesn't really provide much more information to dispel that impression. While it is common in the media and the idiots that write for TV and movies to erroneously substitute the word "troops" for "soldiers", a Soldier is a member of the Army, as Sailors are in the Navy, Airmen are in the Air Force and Marines are Marines. All four branches of the US armed services are out risking their lives for our country, so we kind of owe it to them to acknowledge them correctly don't you think? We don't call the lead singer of a band the drummer do we? 

Not Funny

Neal is a little miffed at the recent upswing in humor in our articles. He writes: Did you get a new newswriter or something? If so you should fire him. Why can't you just report the news instead of making everything into a joke? Aren't you afraid of burning bridges? 

Response: That's a lot of questions. The simple answer is that the writing is the natural response to what the major label machine has made of the modern music business. In other words, right now it's a joke and a bad one. We could report it all straight up, but to be honest, the music biz is in such a dismal state right now that to do it that way would be incredibly boring. Let's face it, not much of what is passing for music right now is very entertaining, so we can at least give a feeble try to make news about the monotony of today's music scene entertaining. And who doesn't like making fun of generic emo groups and self important rock stars that had a semi-hit almost twenty years ago but still think they are gods. We never set out to burn bridges, if we take a shot at someone it's usually them that burning the bridge to us. Besides, we want to go out in a blaze of glory and insulting a few generic artists and crap labels behind them helps us do that. 

A Riot

Softserve649 likes the humor and writes: Thanks for bringing more humor back to the Day In Rock. You had me rolling with a couple of stories this week. Down with bellends and geriatric label guys! hahahaha 

Response: Good to see that not everyone gets British humor, but those that do really get it. Now bugger off. Tis only a flesh wound.

Pot n Pans, Pots n Pans

Ricky writes in about some recent Metallica stories. Ricky asks: St Anger came out years ago, why can't you get over it? Yeah Lars drums sucked but enough with the pots 'n pans jokes. 


When a Fan Becomes a Nutbag

Anytime we run something on a certain loser on American Idol, all the nuts come out of the woodwork. We do get a few sane people that write in with reasonable emails commenting on the story or the coverage, but the majority sound like the rantings of a stalker or an obsessed 13-year-old hormone ridden girls that are usually the equivalent to "you're just jealous". And typically with "you're" and "jealous" misspelled. Now in the interest of fairness, we posted a follow up story a couple days ago where the karaoke singer gave his side of the "air rage" incident that carried direct quotes from the "man" himself. Thus the headline stated it was his side of the story. One of his fanatics, that got enraged at even this, tried dozens of times to post a response on the article. Not having an account they couldn't post and not being able to figure out the box labeled "password" they tried several different names. Since this fan was so insistent we thought we would be nice enough to post the thought provoking message for you all to enjoy along with our rebuttal. 

A few different silly names wrote: Aiken's Side of the Story? How about "THE REAL STORY--it's sickening how the media leaves out the facts and changes a story completely. Clay was attacked and the crazy woman should have been arrested!

Response: The Real Story? How about "CLAY'S SIDE OF THE STORY"-- it's sickening how Claymates leave out the facts and change a story completely. Clay rudely stuck his foot on the woman and he should have been arrested! 

Ok, both messages are ridiculous, as is this story and the fact that people get so worked up over a TV game show contestant that didn't even win the show. But yes, it appears from what has been reported that this woman went way overboard and hit the popstar for a minor infraction (although we don't know if he feet smelled or not. Of course, we have to assume that St. Clay's feet could never smell as they get washed as he walks on water.). We haven't heard from that attacker but there might be a chance that she has had past run-ins with some of his insane fanatics and she took it out on him. Which was very unfair. Then again, it could be just one more part of the evil underground conspiracy by the leaders of the world, every member of the media, Dan Brown, the Illuminati, Mickey Mouse, Michael Moore, Bill O'Reilly, Barney The Dinosaur, The Gay Teletubbie, Dr Phil, Howard Stern, Mel Gibson, and Ruben Studdard to smear his good name because they have nothing better to do or are just jealous and wish they could sing karaoke on TV and lose a game show too. Or it could have been a silly incident that he himself laughed off, something his fanatics should learn to do. Probably the last one. But if you want to keep sending in insipid hate mail, go for it! We do get a kick out of them and these emails are far more entertaining then that cheeseball holiday special. On another note we do feel sorry for Clay. Not over the negative press he gets, that goes with being a celebrity, but we feel it is unfortunate that his reputation is further soiled by a few very vocal and obsessed fanatics. Perhaps the latter is part of the reason for the former? Something to think about. You think you are helping him, but you're really hurting him. Just look at how the kooky reaction has drawn this silly story out. 
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