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Recap of top stories for the week of Dec 10th, 2007
Top 3 stories for this week
Zeppelin Reunion YouTubed
Metal Underground reports: [One of the top three stories from this week]Videos are surfacing for nearly every song played by Led Zeppelin on their reunion set in London December 10, 2007. Originally scheduled for November 26, the reunion concert had to be pushed back to when guitarist Jimmy Page fractured his finger and was unable to play guitar for three weeks. The show was a memorial for late Atlantic Records co-founder Ahmet Ertegun and also featured performances by Pete Townshend, Bill Wyman, and Foreigner. 
Here is the Led Zeppelin reunion show's set list with links to the videos on YouTube, and the full list of embedded videos after the jump. 

01. Good Times, Bad Times 02. Ramble On 03. Black Dog 04. In My Time Of Dying 05. For Your Life 06. Trampled Under Foot 07. Nobody's Fault But Mine 08. No Quarter 09. Since I've Been Loving You 10. Dazed and Confused 11. Stairway to Heaven 12. The Song Remains the Same 13. Misty Mountain Hop 14. Kashmir Encore: 15. Whole Lotta Love 16. Rock and Roll - Check em out here 

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Aerosmith Brawl
Contact Music reports: [One of the top three stories from this week]Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler has been questioned by police in Florida after his girlfriend Erin Brady was involved in a nightclub brawl. The couple were enjoying an evening out at trendy Hollywood, Florida nightspot Pangea on Saturday (08Dec07) when Brady allegedly started a fight with a Seminole Indian woman. 

A witness tells New York Post gossip column PageSix, "A woman from the tribe was trying to take a picture of Steven Tyler. Steven's girlfriend was coming back, from the restroom. Apparently, Erin got in the way of the picture or something, and some words were exchanged. 

"Next thing everyone knows, the two girls are going at it. Scratching, hair-pulling, hitting. It lasted about six seconds, then security broke it up. Steven got up to try to pull them apart, but it happened so fast, he really didn't have time to do anything. Security was right on top of it." 
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Secret Green Day Songs?
Contact Music reports: [One of the most popular stories from Monday's report]Rockers Green Day have prompted rumours of a secret side project, after fans realised new music released under the name FOXBORO HOT TUBS sounded remarkably like the band. 
The group are currently working on a follow-up to their 2004 disc, American Idiot, but the stark similarities in vocals between Green Day front man Billie Joe Armstrong and those on the Foxboro Hot Tubs' EP have got Internet blogs wondering whether the Holiday hitmakers have gone undercover to experiment with a new 1960s-inspired sound. [listen at]

If Green Day are proven to be behind the Foxboro Hot Tubs, it would not be the first time they have released tracks under a pseudonym [Doesn't just about every emo/pop-punk singer these days try sound a bit like Billie Joe? The trick we hear is to hold your nostrils closed while singing. More on the past secret 
- release here]

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As I Lay Dying, Shadows Fall and Course Of Nature React To Grammy Nominations
antiMusic reports: [One of the most popular stories from Wednesday's report]As I Lay Dying, Shadows Fall and Course Of Nature have all issued statements about their respective Grammy nominations. 

Metal Blade Records is proud to announce As I Lay Dying's Grammy Nomination for Best Metal Performance for "Nothing Left," the first single from their newest release, An Ocean Between Us. Vocalist Tim Lambesis says: "I thought someone was pulling my leg when I first heard that we're nominated for a Grammy this year. "I'm completely honored! Who would have thought you could play metal and still make your parents this proud? Now I'll have to go out and rent a tux to wear for the third time in my life. I knew I should have just bought one the first time…" 

Atlantic recording artist Shadows Fall has received a Grammy nomination for Best Metal Performance for the song "Redemption" off their critically acclaimed label debut, THREADS OF LIFE. Shadows Fall frontman Brian Fair said the following: "We walked off stage in Milan Italy last night after a killer set on the Black Crusade tour and my phone started buzzing. After cracking a beer I checked my message and was absolutely shocked and amazed to find out that we had been nominated for our second Grammy!!!- yadda yadda yadda more here

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NIN Slam The Grammys 
antiMusic reports: [One of the most popular stories from Monday's report]As Fall Out Boy whine and gets all "emo" about their group not receiving a pat on the back from the Grammys (see story in Monday's Day in Rock), Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor took aim at the music business version of a high school election with a post on the official NIN site last Thursday asking if the Grammy Awards can go the way of the 8-Track tape. 

While the post no longer appears on the frontpage of the official Nine Inch Nails website here is what Trent had to say: 

"While the music industry is doing everything they possibly can to go out of business, can we all make sure to rid ourselves of the Grammys, too? Out of touch old men jacking each other off. ENOUGH! Have a nice day."-

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Drug Dealer Attacks Pete Doherty 
Gigwise reports: [One of the most popular stories from Monday's report]Police have confirmed sometime Babyshambles singer Pete Doherty was attacked in his local pub last weekend. 

According to reports, Doherty was "punched in the face" by a drug dealer at the Sun Inn, Marlborough, Wiltshire. 

However, it apparently wasn't over any outstanding debt or other such business, but rather because the dealer was upset he was not being patronised by Doherty and his infamous habit.
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Britney A Sign of the Apocalypse?
antiMusic reports: [One of the most popular stories from Monday's report]"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, even the unclean things of her fornication." Is Revelation 17 about Britney Spears? Not likely, but Method Man thinks the poptart is a sign of the Apocalypse. 

Contact Music has the story" WU-TANG CLAN star METHOD MAN insists the moment BRITNEY SPEARS shaved her head signaled the end of the world. 

The rapper believes the Toxic star's decision to remove her hair earlier this year (07) marked a complete change in the music industry. He says, "The whole music industry is twisted on it's f**king head. And Britney Spears shaved her head - that's how I know the Apocalypse is coming."
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Idol Sex Tape 
Hecklerspray reports: [One of the most popular stories from Tuesday's report]Calm down; yes, there's apparently an American Idol sex tape about to hit the internet, but rest assured that you won't have to see Simon Cowell's bare todger flapping around like a torn blister in a windtunnel.

In fact it's a sex tape of Jessica Sierra, who we're told did moderately well at American Idol two years ago. And the sex tape isn't Jessica Sierra's only problem right now - that comes in the form of an arrest for intoxication and resisting arrest which violates her parole from the time she was arrested for battery and cocaine possession. 

But while Jessica Sierra faces the possibility of a lengthy jail sentence, we all get the sex tape to look forward to. And since we didn't even know who Jessica Sierra even was until about 10 seconds ago, it's basically going to be a video of an anonymous, slightly rough-looking woman having it off. We can't decide if that makes it better or worse, actually

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more stories including: Idol Sex Tape- Secret Green Day Songs?- Drug Dealer Attacks Pete Doherty- New Sid Vicious Film- Boss Books Giant Stadium- McAvoy Denies Cobain Role- Bowie for Sale- Ben Harper- Ritchie Blackmore- Talking Heroin- 3 Mile Scream- Deivos- The OaKs- Radiohead Top Filter's Top Ten Albums of 07- Ween- more
Kevin DuBrow ODed 
antiMusic reports: [One of the most popular stories from Tuesday's report]Quiet Riot singer Kevin DuBrow, who was found dead at his Las Vegas home last month, was found to have died of an accidental cocaine overdose. According to AP the Clark County coroner spokeswoman Samantha Charles confirmed the cause Monday after toxicology results were received Monday.

Dubrow was found dead November 25th at his Las Vegas home and an autopsy conducted the following day could not determine the cause of death pending toxicology tests. From an earlier report: Police say Dubrow had been dead for about six days before his body was discovered. Lori Lee Samson, Dubrow's fiancee, was the last person to see him alive. She says when days passed, she [k]new something was wrong.

Among the collection of memories, Lori Samson will forever save Dubrow's last words. "At 2:40 AM Monday he texted me 'I love you so much' ", Samson says. 

Read a statement from Original Quiet Riot bassist Kelly Garni- here

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Joe Strummer Treasure Trove Discovered 
Contact Music reports: [One of the most popular stories from Tuesday's report]The widow of THE CLASH frontman JOE STRUMMER has unearthed a treasure trove of scribbled notes, cartoons, and forgotten song lyrics left by the late musician. In her first interview since the rocker died in 2002, Lucinda Mellor tells how the secret possessions will form the basis of a tribute book to the uniquely talented musician, which will be produced in conjunction with his friend, the artist Damien Hirst. 

The discovery was made in a room buried in the depths of the farmhouse she shared with her husband, which she rarely if ever ventured into while he was alive. When Strummer returned home after a tour, he would throw his suitcases into the room, leaving them jumbled alongside other suitcases he brought back from his travels. 

Mellor left the suitcases untouched until long after her husband died of an undiagnosed congenital heart defect. But when she finally ventured into the room to investigate the baggage, she was astonished at the contents.
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Jack White Thinks He's A Beatle? 
Gigwise reports: [One of the most popular stories from Tuesday's report]Jack White has hinted that The White Stripes could go the way of The Beatles by pulling the plug on their touring career. 

The band axed their 2007 world tour dates after Meg was struck down with acute anxiety. However, Jack has said in an interview that he's "not bothered" if the duo never hit the road again. 

Referring to their recent collaboration with Beck, Jack said: "Maybe working at Beck's house was something we needed to do to remind ourselves that touring is only one component of what we do. Taking a break from shows isn't going to stop it
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Mystery Illness Sidelines Rihanna 
BBC reports: [One of the most popular stories from Tuesday's report]R&B star Rihanna has postponed three UK gigs as part of her European tour. 

Birmingham's NEC Arena said the 19-year-old had been forced by her doctor to pull out of Monday's gig. 

The star, who plans to reschedule, also pulled out of Saturday's Nottingham show. Tuesday's Bournemouth show was also postponed. 
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Zeppelin Reunion Setlist 
antiMusic reports: [One of the most popular stories from Tuesday's report]It's been a long time since they rock-n-rolled but rock legends Led Zeppelin broke out a lot of fan favorites for their two hour and ten minute reunion show at London's O2 Arena on Monday night (December 10th). The band, singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, bassist John Paul Jones along with John Bonham's son Jason, got together for the first time in decades for a tribute concert for Ahmet Ertegun, the late head of Atlantic Records head that signed the group. 

Here is their setlit: 'Good Times, Bad Times', 'Ramble On', 'Black Dog', 'In My Time Of Dying', 'For Your Life, 'Trampled Under Foot', 'Custard Pie', Nobody's Fault But Mine', 'No Quarter', 'Since I've Been Loving You', 'Dazed And Confused', Stairway To Heaven', 'The Song Remains The Same', 'Misty Mountain Hop', 'Kashmir'. ** 'Whole Lotta Love', Rock And Roll'.

Will they carry on with a reunion tour? Even Robert Plant doesn't seem to know. According to Gigwise, Plant told the Sunday Times that "it wouldn't be such a bad idea to play together from time to time." He was quick to explain what he said later in the same interview, however, claiming that it was "somebody else inside me was saying that. "Not the bloke from Wolverhampton," he added. "The bloke from the land of the ice and snow, the bloke with his shirt unbuttoned down to his waist – and he can shut up. We're not having any more of that. It was great, but I've got to go down the highway now."- read Billboard's review of the show

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more stories including: Kevin DuBrow ODed- Zeppelin Reunion Setlist- Illness Sidelines Rihanna-Godfather Of Disco Passes- Radiohead-Van Halen - Joe Strummer- Paul Weller- Chainsaw- Totem- Take Action! Tour- Sevendust- Doug Levitt- The Midway State- Firewater- Buckcherry- 3 Doors Down- Adam Franklin- Onesidezero- more

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• December in Red - The Way Out

• Battleaxe - Power From the Universe Reissue

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• The Compulsions - Dirty Fun

• Rock Reads: Morbid Tales! A Tribute to Celtic Frost

• Death Penalty - Death Penalty

• On The Record: The Wild Beyond

• RockPile: Minutian- Odin's Court- THEO

• Michael Ubaldini Interview

• Root 66: Cameron Mitchell- Stacy Jones- Greg Shirley

. .
Today's Rock News
. Lamb Of God's Mark Morton Streams Chester Bennington Collaboration

Rush Members To Make Special Appearance

Unreleased David Bowie Tracks In New Collection

Def Leppard Announce Summer Tour Dates

Avenged Sevenfold's M Shadows Guests On John Dolmayan Album

Aerosmith To Rock Steven Tyler's Grammy Awards Viewing Party

Tedeschi Trucks Band Streaming New Song 'Hard Case'

Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Biopic Nominated For Seven BAFTA Awards

Behemoth Release Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica Video

Blues Music Awards Nominees Announced

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